Neutralization of Values in Law

Tytuł: Neutralization of Values in Law

Redakcja: Krzysztof Pałecki

Wydawnictwo: Wolters Kluwer

Miejsce wydania: Kraków

Rok wydania: 2013

ISBN: 978-83-264-4248-3

Liczba stron: 411

Język publikacji: Angielski


The reflections in this volume clearly point to the significant practical influence of axiology on every aspect of legal activity (making, applying, executing, observing law, etc.). Legal science and public discussion about law frequently fail to recognize this influence and its scope. A lack of understanding or ignorance of this influence on the part of lawyers (officials), media representatives and, in consequence, the vast majority of other legal entities, can be regarded as one of the basic reasons of the expansion of NoViL [Neutralization of Values in Law] and its negative effects. Certainly, a lawyer (official) should be the kind of person who is well aware of the variety of axiological manipulations mentioned in this volume and who can also name them and respond to them.

From Summary

Published Date: 14.07.2016
Published by: Daria Wójcik