General descriptions of WP10

Work package leader

Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Germany)

Case Studies

Countries and project partners responsible for them:

  • Bosnia and Hercegovina - Uniwersytet Jagielloński
  • Serbia - Uniwersytet Jagielloński
  • Kosovo - Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Main research problems

  • History of implementing COP in the specific region: All three countries have a history of implementation of COP by the international community. The results of these efforts differentiated among the countries. The challenge ahead of us is to compare and to contrast the countries experiences on COP to establish good and bad practices.
  • Existing elements, tools and techniques of COP in each country: The existing institutions of COP in each country will be analysed. This includes formal (municipal, state, international level) and informal forms of COP (i.e. neighbourhood watch, traditional ways of conflict solutions).
  • Attitudes towards COP: Opinions, expectations and needs concerning COP from technological, organisational, communicational, educational and training perspective.
  • Youth issues: Young people are not only technology savvy and prone to crime, but they also are the future of each country successful trust-building COP strategies. Consequently, in our research we need to focus on youth participation in community safety actions and on the relations between young people and the police.
  • Gender issues: The development of gender equality plays a key role in the transition of post-conflict states. Our research will therefore include those developments, especially with a focus on female and male positions in the community as well as female roles in COP.